En America la Libertad Religiosa, afectada….?


Las decisiones de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos sobre el matrimonio gay ha puesto a la comunidad cristiana a preguntarse cuál será el impacto que esto tendrá en la libertad religiosa.

El gobernador de Nueva Jersey, Chris Christie dijo que la medida la decisión de eliminar parte de la Ley de Defensa al Matrimonio es una mala iniciativa.



Enlace de Articulo:  Libertad religiosa sería afectada por fallo sobre matrimonio gay – Estados Unidos – Mundo Cristiano – CBN.com

Laodicea and Post-Christian America

  • 57 percent have not read the Bible in the last week
  • 41 percent agree that Jesus committed sins
  • 29 percent disagree that the Bible is accurate

If the best is yet to come for us as Christians, then isn’t it time for a fresh stirring of hearts and minds so we are aware of the times and know what to do from a biblical point of view? And yes, sometimes we need to jolt people out of their complacency by sharing what can happen if we don’t get in the game.



Link to Article: The Spirit of Tolerance, Post-Christian America and the Laodicean Church

Presidenta de Brasil firmaría ley abortista apenas termine JMJ y visita de Papa Francisco



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Publicado el 28 de julio 2013

Massimo Capazzo (AKA Andrew Collins) sometió dos niños a los abusos horrendos, pero los ancianos no lo informaron.

Sin embargo, otra historia de abuso de encubrimiento niño está surgiendo en los medios de comunicación, esta vez de Bradford, Reino Unido, donde los ancianos expulsados ​​un pedófilo como abuso terrible de dos niños durante un período de cinco años, pero no pudo denunciarlo a las autoridades.

Massimo Capazzo, 41 (también conocido como Andrew Collins), finalmente se entregó a la policía y confesó algunas de sus atrocidades, diciendo que quería limpiar su conciencia por haber cometido «un crimen terrible.»

Sólo después de que la policía investigó Qué descubrieron la magnitud de su…

Ver la entrada original 418 palabras más

God and Marriage!

Sometimes perspective is everything. Against a cultural backdrop in which feminists declare marriage outdated and no longer necessary (Newsweek Magazine, “I Don’t,” June 11, 2010) even as LGBT couples clamor for it be redefined to confer on them its benefits, New York City pastor Timothy Keller, along with Kathy, his wife of thirty-seven years, offer another perspective on marriage.

Historically, marriage has been viewed as a duty to family and society. In post-Enlightenment times, as individual freedom gained currency as an objective good in itself, marriage came to be viewed as a way to achieve personal life goals such as emotional, romantic, and sexual gratification. This ‘marriage as a means of self-actualization’ view fairly well captures the contemporary construction of marriage.



Link To Study: The Meaning of Marriage | The Christian Apologetics Alliance  A Review of The Meaning of Marriage  by Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller

Los Cristianos son mas en el mundo,


Un amplio estudio demográfico de más de 230 países y territorios llevadas a cabo por el Foro estima que hay 5,8 mil millones de adultos y niños de todo el mundo con alguna afiliación religiosa, lo que representa el 84% de la población mundial en 2010 de 6,9 billones de personas.

El estudio demográfico – basado en el análisis de más de 2.500 censos, encuestas y registros de población – encuentra que 2,2 mil millones de personas son cristianos lo que representa el 32% de la población mundial. 1,6 mil millones son musulmanes (23%), 1 mil millones de hindúes (15%), casi 500 millones de budistas (7%) y 14 millones de Judíos (0,2%) en todo el mundo a partir de 2010.





Enlace de Articulo: Cristianos son mayoría en el mundo, según estudio – El Mundo – Mundo Cristiano – CBN.com.

New Age and Religion


All human beings are religious, by which I mean, all have a «worldview»—a lens or framework that includes morality through which each individual perceives the world and that shapes what they think about everything.

New Age Religion is an admixture of astrology, psychology, pantheism, paganism, the occult, and Gnosticism, combined with a mysticism drawn from Eastern Religions. It is purposefully confusing so as to avoid refutation, admitting to no doctrine but that each person can create his own personal religion and reality. The idea is supposed to include a brotherhood of unity but involves no community, as that would require organization—the dreaded «organized religion.»




Link to Reading: New Age Religion. by

Descubrimiento del Santuario de Judá


El profesor Yosef Garfinkel, dice que sus descubrimientos en Khirbet Qeiyafa, una antigua ciudad fortificada que se encuentra a 30 kilómetros al suroeste de Jerusalén y junto al valle de Elah, han confirmado la visión bíblica de la región antes de la construcción del Templo de Salomón.

«Esta es la primera vez que los arqueólogos descubren una ciudad fortificada en Judá desde la época del rey David», dijo Garfinkel en un comunicado de prensa. «Incluso en Jerusalén, no tenemos una ciudad fortificada clara de su período. Por lo tanto, varias sugerencias niegan por completo la tradición bíblica sobre el rey David y argumentan que él era una figura mitológica, o simplemente un líder de una pequeña tribu, ahora se demuestra que están equivocados.»

Entre los hallazgos descubiertos en Khirbet Qeiyafa hay cerámica, herramientas de piedra y metal, arte, y tres habitaciones que servían de altares.



Enlace de Articulo: Descubrimiento confirmaría existencia del Santuario de Judá – Israel – Mundo Cristiano – CBN.com. – Israel – Mundo Cristiano – CBN.com

You don’t Own a Version of Christianity

Today there are a lot of people living a watered-down version of Christianity. What concerns me is that many of these people who are running around and saying they are Christians do not have lifestyles that back it up.



Link to Reading: Greg Laurie: You Can’t Have Your Own Version of Christianity – BCNN1July  6, 2013  5:32 PM

Hitler Ways in America?

“Hitlerland.” It’s a detailed account of Americans living in Germany during Hitler’s riser to power. Most of them were journalists or diplomats; a few tourists are included. The sources are their journals, articles, books and diaries. What’s frightening about the (true) story is how many of them refused to see what was right before their eyes. Some of them saw with their own eyes either events or proof of events and still shut their eyes or minds to what was happening. And some who did see what was happening and tried to sound the alarm were considered hysterical by others–including some in our own State Department. (I previously read the book In the Garden of the Beasts which is similar to Hitlerland only it focused on one particular diplomant–America’s ambassador to Germany during part of the 1930s. He tried to sound the alarm to the State Department but was considered an alarmist and mostly ignored.) –



Link to Reading: “Hitlerland”–Can It Happen Here (in America)? – Christian news, FaithfulNews.