Lessons Learned and the Way Forward – Sarah Palin


Have an intelligent message, and fight for your right to be heard.


Now that the dust has settled on the 2010 midterm elections, it’s slowly becoming clear just how monumental the results really are. We saw an extreme left-wing agenda suffer a crushing defeat. At the ballot box, voters took Obamacare and the stimulus and wrapped them right around the necks of those same House members and senators who had arrogantly dismissed the concerns voiced in countless town halls and Tea Party rallies up and down the country. Voters sent commonsense conservatives a clear mandate to hold the line against the Obama agenda.


Continue Reading  at Link: The Midterms: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward – Sarah Palin – National Review Online. by Author Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska, was the 2008 Republican nominee for vice president.

Anti-Semitism Warning


The new phase of the war is what Mr. Murdoch called “the soft war that seeks to isolate Israel by delegitimizing it.” It’s a war in which, he said, “[t]he battleground is everywhere,” such as the press and broadcasting, multinational organizations and non-governmental organizations. The aim is the same, “to make Israel a pariah.” The result, Mr. Murdoch said, “is the curious situation we have today: Israel becomes increasingly ostracized, while Iran – a nation that has made no secret of wishing Israel’s destruction – pursues nuclear weapons loudly, proudly, and without apparent fear of rebuke.”


* * *

It is still the anti-Semitism of things, and it is a radical, a newsworthy speech to say so. And it is something — we would even say inspiring — to think that the most powerful press lord on the planet can take the stage on this head and reach deep into history and conclude that Jabotinsky is a prophet for our times. Mr. Murdoch was not saying that we are on the brink of another Holocaust. “The world of 2010 is not the world of the 1930s. The threats Jews face today are different,” he said. But he was marking that we are in a serious moment. “These threats are real,” he concluded. “These threats are soaked in an ugly language familiar to anyone old enough to remember World War II. And these threats cannot be addressed until we see them for what they are: part of an ongoing war against the Jews. Editorial of The New York Sun


Coninue reading at link: Murdoch on Anti-Semitism – October 14, 2010 – The New York Sun. Murdoch on Anti-Semitism/The Press Magnate Warns of a War Against the Jews


Obama y Palin llega a los cómics de Archie


La ‘batalla por América’ entre Obama y Palin llega a los cómics  07:30 (11-10-2010) Por Sanye

La popular revista ‘Archie’ se convierte en la nueva arena política estadounidense de cara a las elecciones de 2012. Antes del esperado duelo en las urnas, los estadounidenses podrán saber quién toma ventaja en las viñetas del cómic.

Les habíamos visto debatir en la televisión, la radio y las portadas de los periódicos, pero nunca antes la batalla política entre Obama y Sarah Palin había llegado a las viñetas de los cómics.

La popular revista de historietas Archie ha anunciado que dedicará varias portadas a lo que han bautizado como La batalla por América, la particular visión que esta publicación septuagenaria tiene sobre un hipotético duelo Obama-Palin para las elecciones de 2012. Así, en los próximos meses de diciembre y enero, las dos principales figuras políticas estadounidenses se verán las caras vestidos de superhéroes, como pesos pesados del boxeo o enfrentados por la elección a delegado del instituto de Riverdale, pueblo imaginario en el que reside Archie, el protagonista del cómic.


Continue la lectura: La ‘batalla por América’ entre Obama y Palin llega a los cómics | Intereconomía.

Fecha de aparición: 15 de diciembre 2010
En venta en tiendas de cómics: 22 de diciembre 2010
Kioscos: Semana del 04 de enero 2011
por: http://lanuez.blogspot.com

Why Margaret Thatcher Matters – Book TV


Great Britain in the 1970s appeared to be in terminal decline—ungovernable, an economic train wreck, and rapidly headed for global irrelevance. Three decades later, it is the richest and most influential country in Europe, and Margaret Thatcher is the reason. The preternaturally determined Thatcher rose from nothing, seized control of Britain’s Conservative party, and took a sledgehammer to the nation’s postwar socialist consensus. She proved that socialism could be reversed, inspiring a global free-market revolution. Simultaneously exploiting every politically useful aspect of her femininity and defying every conventional expectation of women in power, Thatcher crushed her enemies with a calculated ruthlessness that stunned the British public and without doubt caused immense collateral damage.Ultimately, however, Claire Berlinski agrees with Thatcher: There was no alternative. Berlinski explains what Thatcher did, why it matters, and how she got away with it in this vivid and immensely readable portrait of one of the towering figures of the twentieth century.
Claire Berlinski received her doctorate in international relations from Oxford University. She has since worked as a journalist and freelance writer throughout Asia and Europe. Her previous books include two novels, Loose Lips and Lion Eyes, and the nonfiction work Menace in Europe. She lives in Istanbul, Turkey.  (H/T:By Amazon Review)